Threebalance launch, updates to Qonstant, and other important news from Qoda Finance are here. Let’s dive in!
Threebalance is live
After three months of development, we are ready to introduce you to the public beta of Threebalance. It is available on Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base.
Threebalance enables you to rebalance your crypto portfolio on-chain in three steps. It is powered by 1Inch, offering users the best available on-chain rates for swapping tokens.
Fees are set to 0% for everyone for the first two weeks, so now’s the time to try it out. We’ve already seen a few rebalances go through today, and some users are using Threebalance as an advanced trading tool to automate multiple DEX transactions into a single flow.
Access the DApp to rebalance your portfolio:
Learn more:
Product Development
In February, our Team mostly worked on the development of Threebalance and prepared it for production. But that’s not all.
We integrated with SPACE ID, and now Qoda Loans users can see their domain names in the interface while connected to the DApp. Moreover, our users can access their portfolios using their SPACE ID domain name rather than an address.

One more new feature is available for Qoda Loans users: you can wrap and unwrap ETH directly on the market page and use it in our WETH market without third-party swap providers.

We started internal discussions about Qonstant V2 and will share more details soon.
Qommunity Updates
Qonstant is listed on Magic Store, a leading Web3 Dapp marketplace. You can vote for Qonstant and help us come through the validation process.
With the recent crypto rally, we also have crossed a $1mn TVL on Qonstant!
Interested in future $QODA and Qoda DAO? You still have some time to fill out the form:
Are you interested in the upcoming $QODA token, but haven’t filled out the interest expression form yet?
— Qoda Finance (@QodaFinance) January 31, 2024
You still can by registering your email so we can notify you once everything is ready to go: [](
Grand Prix rewards have been sent to the February season winners. Check your wallets if you are among them.
The new season has already started. Trade on Qonstant in March and secure your prizes.
Educational materials
Learn about credit risk:
What is credit risk?
— Qoda Finance (@QodaFinance) February 23, 2024
Credit risk measures the likelihood of a borrower repaying their loan’s principal and interest on time. Loans with a higher level of credit risk are often called “high yield” loans in TradFi, whereas loans with very low credit risk are often called…
Check out this post to understand portfolio leverage:
What is portfolio leverage? It isn’t necessarily 5x-100x leverage while trading on futures 😅
— Qonstant (@QonstantApp) February 5, 2024
We often use this phrase to describe a strategy for increasing a portfolio size by using borrowed assets. For example, a portfolio of $ETH 1 could be deposited as collateral, so its…
“Sell high, buy low” strategy:
Sell high and buy low: why is portfolio rebalancing important?
— Threebalance (@ThreebalanceApp) February 5, 2024
Have you heard this phrase before? It’s how you make a profit as an investor. But how do investors know exactly when to buy or sell?
It’s well-known that timing the market is almost impossible. Even the…